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2018-09-19 01:24:13

Centralpacs has been created to enable Healthcare services to access imaging from a range of providers within a central location.

Our PACS Server is located in a safe and secure environment in one of New Zealands best Internet providers Data Centres. Access to the physical server is only by ID Card and Key, ensuring the security of files and data stored.

Our vision is to bring both private and public imaging services together, by holding a repository of all Xray and other modalities of medical imaging together on one location, with viewing access to all authorised parties.

Permanent screening and monitoring guarantee highest availability and utmost performance. Even in the unlikely event of a total faliure of the entire data center you would still be able to access the medical records of New Zealanders, as we distribute medical information to mirror location which locally separated from the first one.

Sophisticated diagnostic tools, provided by Centralpacs included viewers help any radiologist to read images in a fast and easy way. We understand that many radiologist work best in the routine they are used to for the past years. This is why we provide two different online viewers, which create two different experiences for the user.
Learn about general facts of Centralpacs and our vision on how to improve the New Zealand health system.

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How it works
Learn about how images get stored in Centralpacs and how they can be accessed.

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Image requests
Lean how to request images, which are stored on Centralpacs and which will be forwarded to you local practice.

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